Invasion map Phase one - elites have to take down the humans gate to let their vehicles pass Phase two - elites have to turn on the gravity...
It's original I assure you.I know nothing of a "forum point" Edited by merge: Why would they not know?,people on the forum talk of it all the time.
Well it's exactly as it sounds No bloom SWAT nothing to say really so yeah...
Okay this was just something I did in some spare time not much to say really Weapons Spawn Time...
Fixed,thank you for telling me.
UPDATED Okay this map has been modified for gameplay reasons so don't get mad about the bridge in the middle or how the map has been scaled up...
Fixed the map took most of your advice I COULD NOT GET THE GRENADES TO STAND UP!
I was thinking the same thing while I uploading the map. I guess I just wanted to see what you guys thought first,I'll go fix it now. Edited by...
(UPDATED) Okay so this is my map Tres Proche(that's french for Very close). To start this we have weapons on map -Spawn...
GrifBall with a twist you and your team are invisible,the carrier of the ball how ever is not.This gametype was made a while back when I first...
This map a little something I wiped up and thought was bad but,the community loved it [IMG] Uploaded with [IMG] Uploaded with...
A remake of outskirts from Halo 2. [IMG] Uploaded with [IMG] Uploaded with [IMG] Uploaded with