I know this might be completely off topic but what good techno music do you know? (other than the obvious basshunter, cosmic gate)
your maps hard as heck buddy. great job on pacing and overall structure and I really dig the open feel you give the player its a rather awesome...
just a quick question. Why are all of the weapon spawns set to 30 seconds
hey i know u u dat kid frm m town plaha playa freesh on da reel datz s sup mi plaha!
why thank you kind sir
did you make your own sig
haow iz itz gowing
words can't describe my love for this game
ya wii kan know d0 som kol stuf
ahaha lol do that
woooo how did you make the stuff black and red and yes i get online and not recentally i was at football camp but that is a story for later
well all that need's to be said is that two salty nutts delivered what a prime example of how to turn a map in to an interlocked masterpiece as...
Im on my way
do you need any help with your jailbroken iphone or itouch?
BAD ASS- the guy from god of war most played- mario best fps- james bond strongest- HULK no questions asked best with a sword- IKE from SSBB and...
THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW I GOT MY XBOX LIVE GAMER TAG BIB BOB well it all started at 2nd grade graduation when I looked down to find to my...
why screw me and read what I posted on post your pic
yes the BBP will rise again
yes yes welcome to forge hub and if you need any help then please feel free to PM me and thank you for joining p.s. Sucks that forge guide went...