Don't get your hopes up, people. This just randomly happened to me one day when I was completing solo Legendary on Halo Reach during the last...
If I can't haz green flamez, can I at least be banned by the Sarge it would be the greatest honor that I've ever had. Seriously one of the best...
CaN i HaZ Rec0nZ? Oh wait, this is Halo Reach. *Ahem* cAn I hAz gR33n FlaM3Z?
I missed that holy crap moment when I was playing campaign on "Covenant" and I discovered the beam rifle and thought i found a glitch after...
Hey, I'm relatively new here, but I'm wondering which character I should pick for firefight. I love that Bungie has several choices, but I really...
Thanks for you help, Mr. Green!
I understand it now, somewhat. It just so happens I started forging a map today that required a 4x2 collosseum wall configuration. As everyone...
Great Idea. However, a quick explanation on belated spawning as it took me awhile to understand. In advanced settings, you can change the spawn at...
This is to prevent the Z-fighting?
I agree, and yes, permission granted. I recently made a map that I hope to post that is almost identical to the Darth Maul battle in the first...
Thanks guys. That's a real bummer though, I was going for a bumper cars map. Thanks anyways!
Currently I am making a certain map in forge world, and have used shield doors before. In this new map, however, I would like to be able to use...