It's really unfortunate how far ForgeHub has strayed. It's now a fraction of it's former self. =(
From what I see, I see a map with terribly unbalanced gameplay, crooked walls, a whole bunch of ugly shield doors and a few man cannons thrown in....
Wow... people here have a very short attention span. It has been done as an Infection, but Territories would be very interesting. I would add...
I want to know how a one-tonne vehicle can drive through twenty five-tonne rocks. :D It could be used in an Infection game somehow, or as a secret...
Harmonix, the Rock Band guys, have released over 500 songs of DLC. Activision decides to bring a new game out every week though. Did you hear that...
This is all a bunch of bull. If not, show me the 100% scientific proof that the world will end 2012. There is no scientific proof. So what, a...
Looks pretty good. The only problem I see which was mentioned in another Sanctuary remake was that people and go out into the desert and take out...
Holy cowpoop man! This looks just amazing. I would add something to combat the Banshee, such as a missile pod. Is it only Slayer & CTF or do all...
Pretty good for a first. A few messy bits though, and I would get rid off the excess effects and killballs. For aesthetics it's as easy as...
A very nice remake, one of the better ones I've seen. Not a fan of the effects or kill-ball though. You should submit this into Bungie's ATLAS.
This is the best Scarab I've seen. A shame it's not playable.
It's more like a spiritual successor, but still good. Yeah, it could use some tidying up. What is there is combat the Banshee?
I'd add some more cover, even if it's just a few little barriers or something.
Great job guys! A bit messy in some places but still well done overall. You'll probably be one of the best in the contest.
I don't see any proper placement of weapons, it's too small, it's basically yells "spawnkilling" and could easily be made in 5-10 minutes.
You should make the gametype VIP. Then you all have to race to each tower for the checkpoint.
Like AItius said, I like how the different areas have their own advantages and disadvantages. All very balanced, which is surprising for a map...
An unoriginal idea. But it's a nice ship and some nice touches. Good job!
Finally. An infection map on High Ground that doesn't have a bagillion turrets, tanks and Warthogs in the base. I like the armoury, which is...
It looks pretty fun and will surely get a few "Those -blam- ing boxes!" from the zombies. But yeah, I'd turn down the damage modifier to 0% in...