Who knows about veterancy? It means if you have more than two battlefield games, you can collect something special, What do you hope/think it...
Jets will be the bomb in first person. I'll enjoy the combat, nothing like these banshees. I mean. They fly at about 5 miles an hour! SPEED UP!!!!
You did well. The map is epic and it looks like you spent a lot of time on it. But.... Yuck! I hate those model 1 drop pods! Sorry, ima bit......
For the UNSC. We need a jet, to a longsword but more conventional, twice as fast as a boosting saber, the dogfights would be the bomb! And if...
Respawn Zones Besides invasion, what do they do?
Umm. Hello, my name is where everyone elses is. But if you have an inability to read that. My name is SUPERSNIPERBR0. Although I'm new HERE....