cool map but please use originality on your next map it looks like multiple insanmiac maps smashed into one
if the map looks this good y is it just for team slayer?
is the mao compititve?
nice lookn map ill download
the map/gametype would be so awesome if the was a mario(include rocket louncher)and luigi(includes fuel rod) and the elites have conncusion rifles
looks okay i might consider downloading
looks crazy awesome i bet it'd be awsomer with infection
sorry about the mean comment but the map looks like crap... put more stuff
i love the map by disecting it in forge (so i could plan my statagy) i learned how to make a zip line... thanx insanmiac
honestly i think it looks pretty cool... its doesnt look too small so the zombies can sprint 1 foot and kill all the humans...and doesnt look to...
looks pretty good ill try it out with some friends and be then post a reveiw
dosent realy look like saw it looks more like a puzzle saw consists of painfull trust tests like dying to save people or pain for survival