***** There you are saved!
Providence by Res!
your a dumbass
Hey Remi, glad to see you on ForgeHub! Definitely the best Guardian out there. You should also show them the newest version :O
This map needs to get finished, all the effort and time you placed on this would go to waste if you do not succeed. I think you will need to...
YOOOOOOOOOOO, go boom in your pms
His Soda tasted bad...
Hello my son...
Dinosaur Drugs is my best friend, he pretty much quit Halo and ForgeHub after he saw that his map got stolen. You guys need to do something about...
thank you all for the interesting advice, I hope to get to know you all.
Hello Dinosaur Drugs! You have a very interesting name how did you think of that? I noticed you have a picture of Trever Moore from WKUK, cool...
Name: Greg Cassidy Favorite Games: Halo Series, Star Fox Assault, Battlefront 2, Zelda Series Favorite Hobbies: Hockey (Canadian EHH!), Xbox and...