I take an overhead snapshot of the map and place it on the bottom layer of my drawing program to use as a guidance. After I'm finished with the...
The layout on this map is so interesting - I'm dying to test it out on 4v4 Slayer. A problem I can see right off the bat is I'm getting a little...
Thanks for the credit. If you host any further testing send me an invite. GT: Pikabiu
Thanks for the tip. I changed it but I'm not sure if it's quite as eye-catching. Ah well can't hurt.
Do you mean the thread thumbnail or the video thumbnail?
Thanks for pointing that out. I embedded a video to maybe help a bit. You'll just have to forgive me for the lame camera work. :P I really...
They're vectors separating the floors by layers. I underlay the map and draw over the top to get the perspectives right. I say "draw" apposed to...
Really, the secret to making a nice looking map is knowing the forge pieces like the back of your hand. Also, give as much attention to detail as...
Brimstone Brimstone is an asymmetrical, medium sized map build into the cliff side of the Hemorrhage area of Forge World. Brimstone is best...
Had some time to play around in the map and I have a few comments. First, I didn't even realize you could forge on Tempest (I'm such a newb),...
Just played a few matches on your map and just wanted to leave some feedback. I know I risk sounding like a jerk when saying this, but you should...
Yeah unfortunately that's an issue I won't be able to fix. I will definitely drop you an invite soon, thank man!
So I've been kind of a hermit in that I've been browsing Forgehub for a long while only recently creating an account. I feel the need to tell you...
Thank you! I too have wondered why area isn't used more often. It is a very aesthetically pleasing part of the map. Perhaps it's because it was...
I'm a long-time browser, brand spankin' new contributor. (This is literally my first ever post.) Apologies in advance if I do or say something...