Thank you, I was unaware of either of these forums, so that helps a lot!
I need 6 or 7 testers for an invasion map in it's final stages of production, this will be slightly time consuming, e.g. 1 hour at most. If you...
*I can't believe somebody found the chocolates and money I left sitting out* :O I was going to enjoy that later! Hmm... You know... I have...
SO PUMPED for this, the 2v2 banks competition was a blast, and my intro to forge and forge hub. Excited to try my luck and skill against some...
Fun, easy, and informative guides. Thanks for taking the time to make these for anyone who needed the help! Keep rolling the out
Collesium walls do that naturally, it's always been like that, so don't worry. There's a thread in the Halo Rach Guide Compendium Thread that will...
I enjoy seeing maps that aren't so... Orderly these days hah. I enjoy what you have done with it, especially with line of sights, there is a...
Uhm... Is the contest over now? Or is there still 9 hours and 12 minutes left?
Please Note, I just updated my map, there were a few glitches i noticed. I edited my submissions post, and added the new download link. Thanks!
Dang, downloaded all the maps, there is some tough competition! Hope this can take the cake! It may not look like too much, but it's a hell of a...
Thanks so much! :)
Thank you! That might actually be it, I had set most of them label specific, I'll go try this now. Just finished my map submission for the 2x2...
Hmm... Tried this too, it's still registering as only 8 teleporters available..
Have tried this as well, with all of the different teleporter channels, but it's still registering as having 4 teleporters still spawned.
Hi guys, I was wondering if I could get a little help. I just made an invasion map, and intended to place all 12 teleporters, however, 4 of...