This map looks BADASS! I really like the first pic and I noticed you took some of Oakley's advice on the cannon! I might play this sometime.
Thanks a lot. I might make a V2, considering the errors you told me about. I'll make the weapons more spread out, and try to make the spawns a...
Hey thanks a lot, man! Yeah, I'll keep that in mind in my next map! That will (Hopefully) Be up soon!
Hey everyone. This is my first Forgehub map, however, I have been Forging since the Glory days of Halo 3! "This facility looks like an innocent...
Wow I didn't even realize that! Thanks, I'll see if I can get it working!
I created an epic Invasion map based off of an ODST mission. I finished the map, but whenever I test it, it has spawned a few elites outside them...
What do you mean?
As everybody does, I HATE quitters with a BURNING FIREY PASSION. So I'm playing Invasion. 2 guys quit in the first round. Not a big deal, I guess,...
You should do an SoG statue of yourself!
Sounds good! Thanks. And, out of curiosity, do you sketch out your map? Cus I do.
"If you do release your version here, I'd love to see it and give feedback." Yeah, still "Working out the kinks" with Forgehub. I just want to...
GOD DAMMIT! I made a map EXACTLY like this, but for invasion. Looks like you beat me to putting it on Forgehub. Yours is very good, better than...
Holy God! This map looks great! I like how you got the... color or hue of the place and it doesn't even look like it's from Forge World. I like...
This map is effing ingenious. I love the turn system, as well as the utilization of the Gauss shoot-through-wall property. I also like the designs...
Map, in general looks pretty sweet... I like the crane and how you used the glass covers, but Scorpion= overpowered..... by a lot, even if the...
Oh... my... GAWD! This map is effin GREAT! I'm really liking the detail you put into the Gun shop, and I love what you did with the starting point...
Good lord... why are the pictures so big? And this map does indeed look like ghost town, however, I suggest you put glass covers or double windows...
Looks like a pretty awesome map! Ascethics are pretty good and I like the big platform thing that the core is on top of Although... Invasion can't...
Looks like a good enough map, but seems empty in the middle, though I understand that it needs to make room for the Tank. Speaking of tanks,...