Good becouse as i said Elites defending a UnSC base will look a little wierd :)
Change eather the attackers to Elites or change the vehicles in the second Phase to elite vehicles, becouse it looks a bit wierd that elites are...
I need some help aswell but not with the same thing. I need help with building a slanted roof like this: /\ on my beach house map (Infection) that...
It won't be supporting slayer only Assault and Terretories maybe One flag CTF forgot to metion that in original post :) I could try and make...
What do u suggest to change then? And what vehicles should i remove?
So i've made a new map based of a mix between Hemmorage and Narrows frrom Halo 3 (Kind of) and i was wondering what you guys think of it as...
The team with the falcon have a Rocket launcher, Nade launcher and a Plasma lancher and also a teleporter that goes to the big bridge from where...
So i've made a new map that i will make so it supports both assault and territories so one team is on defence and one on offence. The map is...
Gamertag: xXTERRORFISKXxx Times you can get on: 12~21 GMT+1 During the summer Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: Quite creative, I...
Gamertag: xXTERRORFISKXxx Times you can get on: 12~21 GMT+1 During the summer Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: Quite qreative, I...
I've made it look like some are there becouse they have crashed the vehicles and some so it looks like the UNSC droped them off to try and stop...
Noone will be able to drive vehicles so they will just be aesthetics
I was planing on making them like "decoration" I.E. not driveable.
Hey can someone help me build a new infection map on forge? My idea was to build a quite big town with lots of buildings and streets that you...