I'm Holding the oddball? (Totally Modded) :D Lol.... Owned. No thats not one of the easter eggs. you have to find them yourself
Requisition 6-12 Players Outfitted for Team Slayer, CTF, and Oddball Download Here Now when I started making this, i started from scratch, and...
lol. Something odd happened to me again. (same level too. weird) when i get home today, ill see if it got it in the films still and ill take a pic.
you need a few more pics showing gameplay.
glad it made you laugh. :)
Please excuse my comment. The map looks good, and im sure you worked hard on it. Its just bungie didnt give us barely anything good to use on...
eh.... CS forge altogether is fail.
Fusion Coils Constantly Get Launched at the base. The Shield Door is there to protect the vehicles and persons inside from getting blown up...
Download - Confined Spaces V2 Confined Spaces Version 2 Welcome to Version Two of Confined Spaces. People told me what they wanted to see in...
That is absoultly 100% Correct. (wow thats discriptive) Heres what happened. You know that Civi Hog that the marines give you after clearing...
great Idea. Great Design. 5\5 and a DL from me.
nope. like i said he did it unknowingly. another hint. Its on Route to the 3rd Tower,
haha.... someone peed in the pool!
I like the idea. Its simple, yet refined. I did, right offhand see one major flaw. Whos to stop from spawn killing?
no. as a matter of fact i didnt even know we could hyjack the shee's. I'm going to have to try that.
its a great idea for a great map, but from the first picture i told myself, that sniper tower is not balanced. its unleveled, not even, and looks...
thank you very much. I worked on it for about 2 hours. i'm almost done with V2 already!
so he made it all out of cardboard and tape? ya know, i thought all this stuff was pretty kool. up untill the teabag. i have just made...
As it Currently Appears, in the form i have it in now, imput was provided by 3 seperate people. I will not of course claim complete ownership,...
THAT IS CORRECT, but too bland. How did he kill us? don't give up now guys, you almost have it!