Thanks :) I'm glad to hear it :D I'll sure do that but won't have much time on the weekend. However I will get it done eventually!
Hey Everyone, Abstyler - The Remaker is back. You can call me Erik btw. I have just completed my second remake and I am working on the third one...
This is my first ever Killioanire. Enjoy and have a look at my other content. I'm making great Forge Classic Map Remakes. Click here to watch!
HALO 4 CLASSIC MAP PACK 1 by Abstyler --------------------------------------------------- Trailer: Click HERE to watch Four Classic Maps: -...
There is actually a lift from bottom to top gold on my Zealot remake. And unfortunately the map can only be remade as good as this due to the...
Yeah I did. Can you fix it?
I have pics, I even put them in the post. The yfrog twitter links seemed to have worked last time, here are the links again
Map: MLG Zealot from Halo Reach Map Name: RMK Zealot Forge Map: Erosion Gamertag: Abstyler (Download from my Fileshare HOW TO) Gametypes: Slayer,...
I have pictures for the post you deleted now: Will you put them in or reactivate the post?
Map: Ascension Remake from Halo 2 Map Name: Apex Forge Map: Erosion Gamertag: Abstyler (Download from my Fileshare - HOW TO Tutorial - Download...
Map: Uncaged Remake from Halo Reach Forge Map: Ravine Gamertag: Abstyler (Download from my Fileshare) Pictures: [img] [img] The map is about...
It may seem funny, but I don't have any (building) blocks left. Well actually one, but that's not enough for two bases. Also the budget is pretty...
I hope its fine now. Thanks for the heads up anyways. :)
Hey Guys, Check out my new "The Hydrogen V1" map, that I have just finished. This is a small symmetrical arena style map that features MLG...