Yeah there is no FX's but it looks fine without them
Here the idea is great i like it n all but the place seems small and you will get kills fairly easy but thats the onlu problem
Firstly your post need s PICTURES if you dunno how to post pictures go to this...
Oooohhh wow a map......It quiet pleasing to see a nice map in the morning and so I have to say the aesthetics(hate that word) are nice and i like...
The idea of this is nice I mean who would think of a slayer game with banshe bits falling down to slow you down.Thats a nice thing.The aesthetics...
Sorry i dont know what to say:the picture is totsy and theres no description so if you want peopled to download this GET MORE AND BIGGER PICTURES...
Well it looks lovely but why THE UNDEGROUND it doesnt look much underground
Hi man wassup
well thats a very interesting challenge but we'll se what il come up with myself
There will be a forge and from the video i've seen the items will be the same
I would look better with sand but thats not your problem.The barge looks nice and looks like the actual thing but the two pictures dont show much...
Well nice infection map you have over there its very emm.....purplish.Well its very blocky but it looks a bit nice for some reason.The Metro...
Oooh this map looks nice and original but small and I like the ide of just using tunnels it made it look petty nice but its kinda plain looking...
Wow I love your maps there all great the aesthetics of those are amzing and all of the maps are looking original they just feel different and like...
YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY skyrise is finalyy here I waited so long for this and yes its here anyhow its a very good map and I love urban warfare...
Oh well this IS very interesting and its something new well yeah who would ever think of making a CAVE(a few people actualy).Though it looks nice...
Looks lovely I love the column you made with inclines and the rock walls realy suit the map.The posotions of the flags are excellent and.I...
Ha that map is looking very good I love the initial spawns it looks nice and the blue and red tunnels realy suit this map.I like it overall 9.5/10
aaahhh come on give him a break
the ide is petty well done and the maps good to but add a video please ok if you can