So sweet. the pictures are just make me want to play it right now. Good thing i already DL it
Im lovin this map. Everything is so nice. i haven't been following the MLG maps that have been made, but this is just so impressive! DL for sure
Looks like one of those maps that could keep me and a couple friends of mine busy all night, just playing it over and over again, mainly because...
I don't know why. but that dome in the middle of the map just gets to me, its really cool! I hope to see another map from you soon! this ones...
Well Geez. Sorry :P I didnt know there were that many people posting, it had just caught me by surprise getting the message, and I posted without...
K. So I have this friend on my friends list who works for bungie and he sent me ths message about how bungie was making a new edting tool, and you...
This look to have some AWESOME gameplay. If it plays as good as it looks, it should be in the Doubles Matchmaking online. (im babbling) I'll DL!...
This looks friggin fun! :P Having a bunch of guys just jumping around getting lasered..... totally sweet. I'll have fun with my friends on this...
I like how it looks sloppy! I think this could play some sweet infection games. I'll DL and try it out.
I like how you put alot of detail into it, with all the stools and boxes. I've played waaaaaay to many **** infections games on this map. But this...
Looks really cool!! I'm DLing and I'll try and play this for sure! Hope to see some new maps, you're a good forger.
very very nice! I know I've tried to make a cops and robbers game before. and I never thought of using a switch like that. I had used grav lifts...
Vey nice! I like the idea of having spectators that can watch others duke it out, and then totally screw them over with the turrets
I've seen some sad first posts. This one is awesome! I really like the look of this map, I'll DL and give it a go for sure!
This is gunna be awesome! How did you make the fusion coil not blow up though... Something to do with game settings? or a glitch?
I love the boxes that are interlocked at an angle. I hope that the gameplay is as good as it looks to be!