Well if there getting mad then it has to be affecting them in some small way. I dont know how. but it does. I also dont think that the people...
I also disagree with this tactic. But this is why i try not do go in to MM alone. that way me and my team have a understanding of who is going...
I would say im Support as well. but i can step up and be a slayer when needed
you are win i love this map
I cant wait to play on it. oh and if you by chance have room on your list plz add me i'd love to play test some maps if you need help
So what kinda player do you find your self being in game. Support player. Main Slayer or objective. and what game types to you play
yes the snipe should have been put up here. it is by far the best gun in any halo. in the hands of a good player it can be used in all three ranges.
I do not agree with this practice i feel that it does not help the team in any way. but on the other hand i also feel that if the player who is...
well if someone could provide a 1month or 2 we could change the language on the Xboxs and find out. i really like this ?
I do not tea bag but i do think if you can throw someone game off by doing so then why not. i mean you are here to win. plus there are some down...
Hi everyone im Feral Wolf im looking to meet new people and if anyone is will id like to help play test some maps. right now Feral Wolf is out of...