lol I would like to see that >:D
The thing is, if you are in a custom powerup hiding spot, someone looking for Altiar can notice that the powerup isn't there, and the noise of the...
No, but he does have enhanced senses, such as a motion radar, faster running, and higher jumping.
This map is very nice looking, I don't see why there are so many haters :/ Anyway, random maps are the best! Kentucky Tango was one of the most...
I don't mean to be a jerk, but I think the drawbridge was taken from another map post. Please make sure you get a pmp nmd slkbk's permission...
Ha, the curved roof makes it look almost like a subway. Looks like an awesome map :) 5/5
It's nice that you posted a High Ground map, it just looks a little one-sided. Of course I haven't played it, so everything I am saying could be...
The story is pretty neat and the puzzle looks like it would take time... I hope you didn't reveal too much in the pics! I'll dl and try it out.
"B Tower" is pretty awesome just due to the fact that you made it symmetrical by making a whole new crane, and the two bases look very clean. 4.5/5!
Woah! Great job with the pics, and I like the grav lift tunnel to the camo! 5/5
You did a great job for your first map post, and the layout looks very original. But I do have one question: What does this map have to do with...
Man, I love that half-pipe. It must have been a pain to interlock all of those walls!
Awesome switch! Cool concept for future maps.
:O That looks amazing. Very clean and it must have taken a long time for making all of the floating objects. 5/5
Love the use of the teleporters on the walls. Looks like a promising CS map! 5/5
Saying tomorrow is kinda pushing it... 24 hours!
You did well for your first map here at forge hub, and I would say this is a pretty original idea; I haven't seen this type of gameplay before, 4/5!
[IMG] [IMG] Okay guys, I took the liberty of downloading the map and taking pictures of the "missing" geomerging. After playing around on the map,...
Looks like you finally made MCS! I saw you working on that while I was making sniper wolf. Looks fun, but very loosely based on MGS, with the...
This map looks very promising for a good halo 3 match... I love it! 5/5