Man this is some awesome work dude!! Ehy if you want 2 forge sometime just add me on xbx live: GT= BlondishFiber0 I got 2 maps here: Memorial...
It looks cool and all but if u want it 100% like The Maw you cant place more cover... but im sorry to say that a map with that much missing cover...
Man this does look cool! but its almost 0 colours on the map witch makes the map sad i know that feling while playing.. and also i think there is...
It lokks pritty cool it might be fun but i could be looking better with less of the same f**king block.. gj there keep forge and you might get...
It sure looks cool dude but the is alot of missing cover!
2maps? well okay first map had some goodlooking stuff but the most sux... the second map is pritty cool makes me happy that it looks like my first...
Man dude you build some awesome stuff!!
Man this looks so awesome but with these weapons will the map suck d**k.. But still good work dude!
Man this is a classic but your website is down but i might can help you whit that just send me a message!
Yea this is a good start!!! keep forge and you might will get some were :P GL And HF
Nice work! I Love it! Was there any buildingblocks left when the map were done? Keep forge i want to se more of you!
wow dude this is awesome! But i think the SpecialE is makeing your map just stupid and hard.. cuz the SP is just awh i hate when people uses SE!!...
Well This is a remake of my own map Memorial. I was thinking how I could remake it better.. And here is your answer: *Its more fun playground...
Np dude!! Cant wait for more of your forge!! Like the other dude said.. if you are doing more forges!!
haha the halo 2 spartan is changing colors with the time at start he is red.. in the end he is green... Well good jobb whit the map!! i know...
Well you know of F lagg?? well i think thats it!! Me and my friend at live started a smal game on it an it lagged the hell out of our asses but...
Hi again dude!! So another map... Well it looks pritty good but as evrybody says to me there is some missing cover on this map!! But still nice...
Man this is awesome!!! And like the other dude sayed.. Keep forgeing and create your own maps and you might get some were!!!
This seems pritty good!! And if there werent any buildings... Re created buildings it would have ben better!! Kepp working on tour forge!! thats how :P