thaks again, tomorrow hopefully V2 will be out, no lights, more cover, more gametypes and a different centerpiece got it Edited by merge: gonna...
Thank you SSOOO much! updates will hopefully be out by tomorrow evening! Edited by merge: also, sorry about the message earlier I know, I just...
thanks that would be great [IMG] Also how do you get it so it is on your every post?
dude, How do you get ideas? I've made three maps and none of them have caught on like signet any tips?? Also how do you decide on what features...
Thanks, but Thanks guys, but I really want some nice comments like 'nice map!' and stuff. I do get your point though and in the next update there...
Welcome! Today is 1st of June so tommorrow evening an update will be out and, A] less frame lag B] More cover and different centerpiece, put...
I was wondering what makes maps stand out and what features people enjoy seeing, coz I have two maps out now and no one has replied. Any tips?
A symmetrical map (obviously) that owns a main arena and to team zones, The main arena contains: A 1x1 cube A small antenna 6 long tunnels...
Elites are attacking a base of the UNSC, they have attacked the bridge in montana and are trying to blow up the controls tower trying to call in...
Can YOU help me by getting some screenys of it? and if it gets locked down can i just make a new thread? Edited by merge: Replying is now...
Can you and your group please test my map? it is called Influence play with gametype Invasion : influence. give me feedback via a message and...
NOO Please dont mod me and lock this thread up!, I am new and have no pictures of the map yet, please give me time to update, I'm begging u NOOO