good lob lathers this map was a riot wen testing. lots of paths and always plenty of options.
there is a rendered walk-through that shoes off the paths. the link is right below the screen shots. :) though the name isnt very clever its...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] rendered walk-through this map came to me wile playing the campaign for Halo 3. i wanted...
i didnt make it for infection because this was a very expensive map and i ran into an invisible barrier were i could not spawn any more stuff. i...
ok so this is the map i call Grotto Collider. this map was inspired by a scientific research facility in Switzerland called the Large Hadron...
i played on the beta version i cant wait to see what changes you made.
this is a small 4v4 team invasion map. any more than 5v5 makes the game too easy and it goes quickly. i named this after the movie in the...
this looks really cool. you have come up with some really neat ways to use pieces in different ways to make textures in new places... if that...
this looks really good i like the rooms at the end of the bridges, and ur center piece. you have my DL. good work.
the frame rate is actually really good. through the hole vid i was playing on split-screen and it ran fine. you get like a 2 frame drop if you...
sweet thanks man. i appreciate the positive feedback.
oh my bad. so what do you call it in California?
you must be from Michigan we call it pop.
hello everybody. i am Philly-D. a long time forger first time poster. i joined a wile back but as soon as i saw the competition in the group i...
thanks for the instruction link man. i was going insane trying to figure that out. i look foreword to interacting here at forge hub and i hope to...
This map was inspired because most forge maps are symmetrical with a blue base and a red base and don't really look like they could be a location...