I will post the map around 1:30pm central time today. I have an updated version so I will post when I get to it. Thanks
Hey I have noticed you are doing a lot of feedbacks for the testers guild lately. I was wondering if you could review mine. It is currently on the...
I will do what I can. The only other thing I am trying to decide on is weapons. Since my purpose of this map was to have a covenant essence, I...
Unfortunately I am not talking about Afterburner. The map I am working on right now is in the hanger of forge world. I will get some pictures to...
I am forging my beautiful map and I hit the limit of items. Its not to where it says I have 0 blocks but I can't spawn any objects at all. I still...
Thank you very much. Sorry this is in the forge section. It should be in the reach: discussion section. Help was much appreciated.
I was searching for the gametypes to download such as speedpile or haloball. I found those. The problem is, I can't find the map variants for...
fixed Okay. D3ATH EYE I asked a few people about the buildings and they said the same thing so I fixed it. Good to go.
I just noticed I spelled the name wrong in version 1. Now that was embarrassing. Well here we go. My first map, Resurrection had a few problems...
question ok I will look around and see what i can do. I like the idea of lowering it to sea level and creating cover. My question is that once I...
Thanks a lot guys. Actually this was the very first map I ever made. I forgot about it for a while and made another map which was an epic fail. I...
Resurrection What is up people! I have my outstanding symmetrical map for any number of players ready to go. I recommend at least 4v4 because it...
I deleted all the glass I could, but split screen isnt going to work. It just cant. It is a floating map with lots of sightlines and uses a bunch...
well this is the scenario: IF I play my map solo there is no screen lag. if i add in 1 or 2 for split screen, the game goes beserk laggy. is this...
If someone could schedule a time this week before Friday to get on and help me that would be great. I need someone that knows how to deal with...
So my recently finished map "Lion's Den" was created purely by me. It is compatible with slayer game-types, multi-flag, stockpile, and oddball....