Oh man
Yes, the problem is that there wouldnt be more entries to compete against, and I dont have more time from work to judge either.
Well, thanks a lot guys, but seens there were no actual submissions to this contest here passing the deadline (January 8th).
If this helps promoting this contest and increase it's reputation, I dont see any problem in doing so. I'll PM a admin to explain the case.
I remember playing on this. Nice work.
I dont own a xbox one myself. So this item have no use for me at the moment. It also has a 2 year expiration date for the code. The main idea...
Hello all guys, the most intricate scripting forge map/ creation will win a single: - A REQ PACK CODE: [IMG] The submission should be a good...
You guys talk too much when you all should be posting more pics. Less talk and more pictures. Please.
It's finished! [MEDIA]
I cant believe tinypic still hosts those images. Great.
I remember you from that universe skateboard exploding guy sig of yours. We used to hang around the art/signature contest/tutorials section part...
Hey guys! Just stoping by here to say, awesome maps coming out of this thread here. Congratulations to everyone so far, it's good to see some...
Here's a quick update on his tires! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Hello guys! So, long time no see since last time I've posted here. I'm coming back to showcase some personal project I've been working on for...
Oh Really? I dont use this forum, that's actually the last time I'll use it. So if your name keeps the same or not is bullshit. Raawwr your ass.
Is it Free?
My dream playlist: - CTF. Only.
I'll add all you guys! Be sure to register mine as well: 5412-9967-4476 I play mostly Mario Kart and Star Fox.
Looks like Iron man.