Awesome! I'm actually surprised that I was able to get higher than a 5. Thank you for the great review, I'll make sure to tweak the map based on...
Update! [|:::///:::///:::///:::///:::///:::///:::|] Changelog [1.4] Added gametypes: Stockpile, Headhunter, and Infection. Fixed all other...
In that case, I've posted two of my maps already, Finale in the casual section and Turbine in the competitive section. Head on over and try them...
Turbine [Img] [IMG] [|:::///:::///:::///:::///:::///:::///:::|] Turbine is a simple map aiming at multi-level combat and a fluid "roundabout"...
Should've just said "call me Neff". I guess I'm not doing things too backwards after all :D. Can't wait to get some good criticism on my maps!
Finale [IMG] [|:::///:::///:::///:::///:::///:::///:::|] I created Finale as one of my third Infection maps hoping to go at something a...
I feel like I'm going to regret saying that last part :P Nice to know I'm welcome. This is a very polite community, in contrast to others I've...
Post #1: TGIF 12 Post #2: Intro. I am doing things backwards. Anyway, hey there Forge addicts and forum creepers. I might as well...