Can't hurt to at least try. For what its worth, select was probably my favorite forge map in Reach MM. I wouldn't mind getting to play it again in 4.
I saw your map on there Mr Green and I must say I was quite impressed. So simple yet is genius. Great usage of the natural landscape of impact...
Hmm good thing I'm working on two maps made specifically for ricochet!
Thanks Cyborg! About those trees, I agree and thought the same thing so I had made a slight adjustment so when you come through the tele as long...
Hmm I suppose that's better than having something that looks likes balls and may f up the function of the map.
That's quite interesting and something I was unaware of. Was it like that in reach? Any suggestions on what I should changeI it to?
Correction, you see a single upside down tincup lol. I realize now that i should have built this right above the small or medium island that way...
Thanks man I'll invite you sometime!
Hey guys its been a while! Lets see if I remember how to do this! As some of you may know I’ve been off my game lately with some serious forgers...
That is really unfortunate. I can see where you were going with that idea and it sounds like it would have been a blast. It also reminds me of...
You could also do a basketball Gametype with a small hoop goal that could only be thrown into
I have really been enjoying ricochet. Also the pit was one of my all time favorite maps. But that is irrelevant. I was trying to think of maps...
*didn't read. Just looks at first pic* "Hey that looks a lot like select by schnitz..." *reads title* "Oh. Derp" Looks like fun schnitz. All...
There's a lot of cool stuff in that update. But the only thing that I care about is The Pit. Probably my favorite H3 map. I have many fond...
This looks really nice. I love that you used that building as flooring. I had tried that once but never went anywhere with the map. Overall it...
If you see me online again, lets 1v1 it or maybe 2v2 if we can find the extra bodies.
This is awesome and very different from the original. I almost didn't recognize it. I second Audience's sentiments, get me on that stat.
I think I have enjoyed every map Sora ever made. And this looks like I would enjoy it thoroughly as well! Your maps have always been intricate yet...
I've had this problem since about January. But I finally got through it just a few days ago. You just need a great idea to get you through it.
Nice to see some color back you. Favorite staffer right <3 :)