Halo 4 dropped competitive players in favor of casual players. Random power weapons appearing in your face? AA that let's you see through walls?...
Well, that sucks I tried to change my avatar, but I can't.... big time...
This game is truly looking badass.
Why hello there chap! The name's raexe. While I'm still a rookie here. I hope you have an awesome time here on the forums!
Wait... PSN is STILL down!? Sony I am dissapoint.
Meh, my computer sucks so hard it can't even run it. Well I was not interested that hard. But I was starting to like this game enough to actually...
Any news on Lady in Red?
The game looks basically the same. Other than new weapons and skins. Although the gameplay and multiplayer IS fun and entertaining. I might buy or...
I agree with everyone on this thread. Castle Crashers is a great game IMO. It has usually long story that keeps you entertained for days....
It happens and it will always happen to everything. Just take a look to the COD series, the developers doesn't even care about the community. All...
j0r3l08 <-----------What the hell is that? Well my friends, I did not chose this gamertag, it was my brother. j0r3l08 comes from Jorel -since...
No Amnesia: The Dark Descent?
Piracy FTW!
Graphics cards around $200 are pretty neat if you ask me. And with a processor around $300 will be enough to run Crysis at high settings. But...
Whoah! You got a really powerful laptop man. If you can pay it then go for it man! Although for me $869.99 plus taxes seems a little much. My...
You should have bought the 250 GB model of the Xbox. If you have the 20 GB hard drive of an older model hanging around, you should check out this...
If he stole your whole Xbox well then that's just sad. If he just stole your account, you can easily recover it on another Xbox.
Seriously, I've seen things more scarier than Slender Man.
I would definitely buy this.[IMG]