That is an okay map for making a racing map. you made it good so you might want to make a mario kart gametype for it.
Hello man You are cool FINISHED
Good I like this gametype so I might make one. I have seen gametypes like this but I think that yours is better and WAY more descriptive then the...
You made a good map and it looks good and I like how at the start you can jump in the hog and splatter N00BS and epicly T-bag. Also I like the big...
Finally some new gametypes that are good and people making stuff like chess makes this super fun so this is pretty cool but they should make new...
Minecraft it is good but it got overated fast and online is full of trolls and griefers so it is kind of boring but it is just a bit over rated.
Very Good! This is a very good map. I like how it is very good on both sides and not like one is over powered. I think this is really good and...