i'm gonna guess this is the right place to post these... i'm forging a map that utilizes a variant of the King of the Hill gametype, and i'm...
this is very cool... and awesome... and ridiculously fun! i'll admit the fun factor drops a little after playing it for three hours, but hey,...
you could try putting fence walls around the area where the mongoose drives; that way people can't jump out and you can still laser each other...
i think you're looking at a beam rifle =) btw, this does look like great fun! if you made it headshot only kills, you'd get even more practice!
The tilt create new strategies, for instance, jumping from the higher side of the field to the lower side keeps you in the air longer than jumping...
you have a definite dl from me this map is epic
definite dl once I clear away all my useless custom games on my 360... THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE BRUTE SHOT!!! I have a feeling this is going to be...
finally a fresh idea! Q'd for download
i've never tried using an elimination gametype before, but now i'm starting to think otherwise... i like this idea; Q'd for download
the interlocking on this one looks really nice if there WAS one thing i'd change though, it would be your font color xD great map; Q'd for download
fusion coils are the bane of my life... great map btw
my friend told me about this map, and it looks awesome i need the get that HMP...