Saw your map preview, looks sick!
Listen to a lot of these guys Xino, believe me it helps to take criticism, it improves yourself in multiple ways and helps your map become a much...
What is your favorite Halo game?: I would say Halo 2 for campaign but multiplayer, Halo 3. Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)?: Probably...
Okie dokie. I saw yesterday all the map previews you never got finished and you had a lot of neat aesthetics for a lot of them, especially the...
Probably not, I am not big in forging but maybe I can see what you got and if you don't mind, show some stuff I worked a bit on since October....
And I saw catha and I see it made forge hub feature. That's tight bro, good to see you still got it in you lol.
Miss you too buddy, especially getting my ass whooped ;) I actually been on since Christmas but on my old account rather than the boxing dino one....
Been doing great man yourself? Sorry I haven't been sticking with forgehub I barely have time for forging nowadays lol.
Hey, thanks eightball for the happy birthday post :)
This looked like a great map. Too bad I never gained a chance to try it out. Even though there are a lot of 4 by 4s, the map looks like it would...
This map looks very roomy for a 2v2 map. I like the style just a little worried if the courtyard(s) would be ignored since they look rather open....
Another well done map. How in the world did you find the time for the huge structure. I'm a little worried about the warthogs considering the...
I love the observatory. It looks so neat to me. This looks like a promising map. The only personal problem is the walk ways, just them being so...
Ah, yes. This is an artwork. I remember this map being well thought out and original in many aspects. I love the water on this map, it looks like...
No worries to those who do not want to see a avalanche remake. It will be inspired but it will remain different much like zealot and midship....
It may sound a little odd but I believe I can pull it off in a area of the canyon. Avalanche was very fun for vehicles but not for running it out...
I believe as a viewer and a critic, I have that position to give my side. If you want to be stubborn and just say no to every little thought as if...
Now this looks impressive, I am loving the texture around this, and also the great mixture of closed doors and open doors to the fresh air. Plenty...
Tao sounds like a Japanese meal. They look pretty good. I am not a fan of the bridge in downrush but other than that, pretty darn good my friend.
Nah, it's cool man. Thanks, it was quite the work. That map was a long time ago though lol.