legendary members of forge hub wow that makes me lol all ****ing night what a noble website!!!these staff here at forge hub are probally all 16...
a while ago you posted that im an ediot but every one that looks at my maze says that im a genius so im gonig to go with the majority vote on this...
you now i ,made the **** bad ass but what ever you all can hate i will still keep getting random messages by random people saying how great my...
hey im not really tripping on what all you lil punks think about me here on forge hub itz my map i care what people think about.so go kick rocks!!!!
Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details way 9 provoke me to anger why???? here take this!!!!!!!!! Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details way 9...
chezz pac does not have a better maze then me and he will tell you him self!!
wow in that case i have for sure created a true maze with many branches leading off the main route it is not a puzzle or a labrynthe
that suggestion for a maze i checked it out and its an obstacle course / maze not any thing like an actual original style maze so do ypu have any...
it is a maze not an obstacle course!! viciiuos vice's suggestion for a maze is actually an obstacle course /maze which isnt any thing like an...
please view my mind melt maze in mini games and leave a comment on what you thought of the maze thankyou and enjoy the challenge
that link for the map you sent me its not a mze its a puzzle map ive made a maze please know the differance between the two they are not the same...
labrynth map and description :omg: this map is not a maze its a slayer map i just found out there is no end when i looked close at game type and...
i am almost done with an epic map but now i need to make it playable and whould like to make it suitable for all game types can any one help...
finnishing up a map and could use a helping hand on game types spawns and spawn areas message me if you can help my gamer tag is high way 9.thanks