Thanks for the feedback... As far as the pictures I was trying something different other than action pics or pics with the free camera. Just...
1) Welcome to the community. You can definitely find honest feedback for your maps here. 2) You have to post pictures of your map in your...
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.
You are required to place photos of the maps in your post/thread. If not your thread my be deleted or locked...
Map has been updated with a few minor changes 05/25/11 Thanks for all the feedback guys. I have been away from my box for a few weeks, but I...
Domain is a small map mad for close combat and team work (which I prefer to play personally). This map has two 3 level towers with hollow...
The lighting is the "next gen" effect. As far as the hill, the hill is set to move to randomly between the top level, second level, and the...
Hello, I wasn't sure where place this map. I hope this is the proper place. This map is my 3rd installment of this map. 1st installment for...