Hey looks pretty cool from the outside. might i reccomend adding some pictures of the play area on the inside?
Yeah about the pictures just make sure you actually click on them in your fileshare before you right click and save as because if you save the...
I tink thet he skyped scool a fuw two mainy dais
I know you say your workin on pictures but you should not even post your map if your pics aren't ready. For one people will just ignore it...
I will assure you that the sword is not fixed. The sword actually comes with an invisible base on that allows you to stand it up on its own. i...
Yeah the cover issue has been adressed a couple times. i've tried a few different variations but it seemed like the more cover i put in it looked...
Bloodsport Slayers have gathered here from the far corner's of Reach to test and prove there skills in combat! Welcome to Bloodsport!...
umm wow. i just downloaded it very cool idea man. and countdown works awesome. good job throwing in the grav lifts in the right spots. And there...
I also build strictly competitive maps and aesthetics can be a huge part to helping people recognize areas of your map faster when respawning. I...
yeah i was deffinetly hoping for there to be some sort of basic idea in mind. i see what your saying though completley. meh maybe it was a dumb...
Oh? Why not? Its the Halo Reach Forge discussion forum so...
Hey everyone just thought of a neat idea. i'm not sure if it's already been done. but do you remember playing those silly games in school? Hang...
sometimes with my map i'll have a solid idea in my head of what i wanted to build. and then i'll get half way done and completley change because i...
NICE POND hahahaha but no seriously. i also stole it for my new level dude haha ttyl epsy
yeah the havens are a must have even for the plain old infection to work at least thats what i found.
Well thanks Matty.
yeah countdown to is symmetrical haha what was i thinking when i started the thread o_O Edited by merge: My latest symmetrical map. it's...
well im new to the site and i really didnt know there were other threads about it. i see what your sayin though man.
isnt that what forums are for? to talk about something that interests you? If you didnt like the subject than why open the thread and complain go...
oh yeah i forgot about zealot haha and that is one excellent map to.