btw.. epic 343 total posts.. <-- 343 industries
Yeah I might do that.. Take away some magnums and DMRs and put in some AR's.. And decorate my map a bit more.. Holdout: Requiem V1.1? And I might...
Add more stuff like barrels, forklift and pallets.. And much more..
I'm amazed! I just loved how you used a zipline in your infection map! The trailer was good too and the walkthrough video.. I think you're my new...
Well, it's a cave with some extra rocks.. The cave isn't the main part of the map.. Zombies spawn all the way into the cave at the beginning of...
Well actually I have a topic for that map in the Casual forum.. Go check it pl0x?
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Holdout: Requiem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [IMG] I realy enjoyed...
Yeah I love infection too <3 Gonna show my latest creation soon.. It's epic.. Added you on xbox live btw.. ;)
Gave it a download.. *Relpy reserved for feedback after I have tested the map* EDIT: Checked this map.. Good map.. You did the forging well...
*Psst* "Hey mate, next time you should ask some people to record for you instead of camrecording it ;)"
Liked how you put a lot of details into this map. Seems like a decent map, worth downloading.. But you should fix those places where you can...
It's a good map with some cool aesthetics in it but I miss a few forgemechanic's like door switches or walking through walls etc.. 8/10
Infection <3 I'm making a map.. You want to see it whenever you're on? Added you on XBOX Live.
well i already added you on Xbl. Gamertag: o Solace
yeah dude im 100% with you on this..
Run out of spa?
I am solaced, that's all.. :P
Well since nobody ever wrote a feedback on this on I decided to download and playtest this map.. This maps looks like some sort of a standard...
I kinda disliked how you made the gametype so that you can't jump at all. It realy makes the game like somekinda "pacman hunts for humans" where...
This is realy good! But maybe patch those places which people can hide in outside of the map?