Does it have to be team CTF or One Flag, or does it matter?
Gamertag: BlueHawk2000 Times you can get on: 3:00pm to 8:00pm Mon-Thurs, almost all day on the weekends. Mic yes/no?: yes Something describing...
Well I'm not sure what I'll make, but I'll try something.
It Isn't better than Indounggoy's Scarab replica 3,it's the best scarab I've seen,and it doesn't use any forge tricks,or atleast very few and it's...
Finally someone knows how to competently make an infection map that isn't a pile of crap. I mean seriosly,the only thing my friends will play are...
If you guys ever get over run with requests and need help breaking maps I can help.
Sorry about accuseing you of stealing. if you ever need help with a map ask me(the only reason I've never post a map myself is I never get around...
Guys you do realise that that is a longsword,I got the map from one of my friends something like a month ago. I don't know were my friend got...
I really hope Jack(A**) Thompson doesn't find this. Because is he does all halo gamers and especially forgers are royaly f'ed.