Yes, but wouldnt splatters not work then??? I guess not...
Re: Canals *First Remake Of GoW Canals* I've seen a remake of this already... Nice job tho!
I sent u a PM for help
It's possible, I kno that because on the Tremors gametype, you can only kill by splattering, am i rite?
Yea, this was getting on my nerves to. I didnt no how to do it. Could someone help me out?
Ino, I hav to wait til my mom gets home! :(
I just tried this, it's kinda hard considering you have to keep saving, quiting, and goin back in over and over again.
Alright, I'll try doing it and if it gets messed up, I'll try and see wuts wrong. As for Carebear, yes, people can get out but this map is used on...
I didnt really understand wut he was saying, jeez get off my back. So it means ur able to walk through it, I gotcha now.
Re: Go-Kart course on The Pit I made a Racetracl on The Pit before. It is really cool actually.
I'm sorry, but everytime I publish to forums, the link gets all messed up or something? Can someone help? Wut can I do?
Wut does Pathable mean?
Yea, I'll make a remake called Grenade Zone v2 just with the same Gametype. ;D
Yea, I hate when people are idiots and perposely hop out of the game. Someone did that today...
I played today with a bunch of frends, but everyone in the Wraiths kept getting stuck on rocks. :'(
That is awsome, I never knew you could do that.
Grenade Zone By: TBF xPlaYBoYYx Map Info: Simple map with a lot of grenades. Survive all of the explosions and get as many kills as possible....