Can zombies kill humans with the weapons on the vehicles? That would make it kinda dumb. If you made it so that they could splatter humans but...
This looks really good dude. I've only played Ghost Town in Matchmaking and got bored pretty fast but this looks like it has added way more depth....
If a mod could take this over that'd be fantastic cuz this thread it pretty useful when its up-to-date...
This looks pretty sweet. I also agree the ghost is better than two mongooses.
Yeah this is pretty good.
This looks good, but i agree that the shotguns might be overpowered.
EDIT sorry guys that was my gay little brother.
Okay i rented this and i like it a fair amount but i'm also really pissed i can't have a guest. Thats just stupid. Should i buy this game? If you...
Re: List Of Almost All Money Glitch Maps I think it'd be a good idea to list the maps in the order they are listed in halo 3. That way people can...
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Yeah that might be a good idea seeing as there'll be like 6 maps made specifically for it.
The forklift feet was an awsome idea, but i thought T-Rex had arms... Also a great addition would be like a warthog in it's mouth or something....
I actually think it looks fairly good. However it looks weird being on the ground. A good idea would be to make it a zombies map with humans...
I can't believe no one has made this into an assualt map where an angry mob blows up the principles office... btw my middle school vice principle...
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database I kinda think we need another In The Shadows map. I think a good concept for one would be sewers or like a water...
I clicked on this hoping for a the most epic aztec pyramid ever, but this is still pretty cool.
Dude i totally want in, but not sure when i'll be available.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Yeah when u first play it it seems really simple, but if u play with people who r...
Yeah i'm kinda confused by the fusion coil bomb. I will probably DL this just to check it out.
I think the name Olympus fits better for this map than any other name i can think of. Especially with the pillars and the sword placement, it...
This looks pretty good but i really can't say for sure. If someone who has played this could post a review or something here, that'd be nice.