Ahhh! See how he subtly changes his claim so as to avoid actually discussing the actual issue. I never said that there were any life forms on a...
How do you know this? What are you using to determine this statement? What gives humanity the right to claim that it is the only sentient species...
Quick question: Have you ever taken a single science class? Have you actually learned about the theory evolution and the mechanisms that drive it?...
To someone who doesn't understand higher level biology, chemistry, or physics. Yes. What are you using to calculate this percentage? Again,...
So you're basically saying you think one of the most important scientific theories is all bullshit a god made up to hide its existence. Once...
Again, the problem I see with this still remains. You're only doing "good" because you fear the wrath of God. When you say "I should be already...
No, I understand what you're saying. The Bible helps you find purpose in your life and provides a reason for you to be "good." Jesus taught...
I disagree, the beginning is one of the most important aspects of anything. How are we to know where to go if we don't know where we've been? How...
omg ur so lame-ish XD
But why do you get to claim that part of the bible is metaphorical? It was believed to be completely true 500 years ago. If that trend continues...
Evolution does not disprove the existence of a god, it just calls into question Genesis and via that the Bible and via that religion. Do you have...
No, the existence of religion unfortunately impairs science. Science strives to understand and characterize the unknown. Most importantly, it...
Where is the evidence that includes God as a mechanism of evolution? That's not what defines an atheist. This happens in every single forum...
I'm a little confused here. you posted earlier and someone responded by saying that belief in god was like belief in santa claus and you took that...
Science is not supposed to have morals. That is not what it does and not what it seeks to produce. Science seeks to find understanding and...
You don't even have to clone a person. This can be seen in identical twins that are separated at birth (put up for adoption or something)....
What if you're wrong?
The reason it isn't advancing is because 1) religious right still has a lot of influence and 2) people don't understand what it is. Once again,...
What? Where in the Bible does it say that? And since when does posting in an online forum qualify as being around people?