awesome sounds interesting, i will give it a download and give it a shot.
Need to post some pics of the map so we know how the map looks like. People will or will not download your map or any map for that matter if they...
i have downloaded the map and its awesome great job, but i am curious about one thing, im wondering why were there one way shields in the middle...
A haunted army is correct the fileshare system on bungie .net is no more, so for now if you want to download a map from forgehub or youtube etc....
This is an amazing map, i will definite download. By the way i believe your download link is messed up cause when i clicked on "Download Now" it...
This is not up to forgehub standards, you have 24 hrs to post some pics and a brief description of the map if you dont then this thread will be...
This is not up to forgehub standards. You have 24 hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. if you don't fix this then it will be...
This is not up to forgehub standards. you have 24 hrs to fix this or else it will be locked. You need a description and some pics of your map, If...
You might want to fix the link that says : here's the picture link. That link leads to my gamertag instead of yours.
Great map, i will give this map a definite download. Might want to fix the download link on the top of this page and the bottom. The top link...
Great map, i will give this a download. Did you change the name of this map cause when i clicked on the download link it went straight to a map...
This thread aint up to forgehub standards, You need to put a description and a few pics of the map. You have (24) hrs to do this or else this...
This Ain't up to forgehub standards, You have only 24 hrs to post pics or else this will be locked. If you need help on how to embed pics click on...
Click on this Link and it will show you step by step on how to embed pics:...
you might wanna add more pics so we can see how big the map really is,
U need pics, so people can take a better look at this map before they download it. You have 24 hrs to put pics or this thread will be locked, and...
Great map, i will give this a download, and by the way ur download link ain't working, everytime i click on it it says the link is broken. Might...
Great map, i will give this a download. By the way i clicked the download link and A message appears saying that the link is broken everytime i...
This is an amazing map, i will definitely give this a download. I really like the shoot it's awesome