Haha, it must have really sucked to be that guy. I wish you would've shown his view of this, though. Oh well, great shot, anyways!
So how would I join one of these gameshows of yours? Also, is there any way you can describe the games any more? Maybe a screenshot of the maps...
I'm online a lot and alway's willing to play forged maps lynx. Feel free to invite me any time I'm online. GT: a proud nerd
Alright, thanks. I'll get my actual topic posted now.
Hey everyone, I started writing this short story about last week and just finished Act I of it. Summary: Corporal Buckley finds himself...
"Nothing to see here, just move along. If you say a word, I will gut you, human."
Just felt like being BA today. Plus it's a halo vid! Hopefully I can embed the picture right Indestructible 2.0 [HD] - YouTube
Being fairly new to FH, I don't really know what this "Best of Forge" is, other than just what I can see from the link. It seems like maps are...
Please note that the contest is still in a sort of Beta phase. That's why I'm not opening submissions until the 5th, that way I have some time to...
NOTICE: CONTEST POSTPONED FOR REVISION. THIS IS NOT A CLOSURE NOTICE Current Categories: FFA Categories: FFA Slayer- maps designed for slayer...
Problem is, the reason I can't upload it to my File Share is because the "Name of the Creator of this file is banned from Xbox Live." I would just...
Well, I have a problem. I created a map, and I've been told it's pretty good, but at the same time, Microsoft just applied a filter on my xbl name...
Dispute The only thing currently missing from this map is it's spawning. Objectives and structure have been set up already. The map's name and...
Well I figured that a name really wouldn't be a big problem to ask for help with. oh well, I guess I'll come back later with a name for it. By...
Problem is, I posted it there yesterday and they told me to post it here. So I decided since it's mostly done (missing only the name and...
This map has: Weapon/number Sniper Rifle/1 Shotgun/1 Energy Sword (Excalibur)/1 Grenade Launcher/1 Plasma Pistol/1 2 Shuttles...
It doesn't. I posted it there and they told me to put it here to find a name, and then I could put it back there once I had one
No, I haven't taken any screenshots of the map, that's why the thumbnail is the Forgeworld Icon. I'll be sure to add some ASAP, though
I made this map primarily for Slayer and I need mainly a name for it, secondly, I would like some critique on it, and thirdly, I need a...
This is a slayer map I made and I want some critique on, obviously, or I wouldn't have made this. I am planning on making it accessible to more...