Wait we got a Forgehub Minecraft server? What's the ip?
All's alive and well here, we're still having TGIF's.
Classic one-liner right here: YouTube - Halo Reach: IT'S A TRAP!
Thanks for clearing that up guys.
Has anyone noticed that when you use Active Camo (or even have it equipped sometimes) you can hear the other team's conversation? Or is this...
Seastack Rock. It's the biggest, natural looking structure Forgeworld offers. If there was a rock wall the size of the coliseum wall, then it...
I haven't tried this, but try giving the players swords, then put player Melee damage to 0%.
I found it OP'ed only on Hemorrage, which has no cover, and spawns in the open. At least in Paradiso, you spawn decently close to a building,...
Can you make it to where betrayals count as points? If so, the Juggernaut might work.
It wouldn't be so bad if you couldn't turn fast when you're looking behind yourself. I've had many instances that if I didn't turn, I would have...
First off, thanks for the feed back. The mongooses (which you see in the beginning of the video) are for aiding the Elites transport the bomb in...
Dang. There goes a few gametype ideas...
Doesn't hiding all of the Elite Loadouts work? Just wondering.
Alright, so my idea behind this map is a group of enslaved Elites rebel against their Spartan overlords. They first destroy the wall keeping them...
It's easier if you do the Hologram glitch with a buddy over XBL. It adds lag, and makes it easier to do.
It's there. Under Race Options, you'll see a vehicle selector. Pick Warthog.
When designating a spawn for Infection, Red team is the humans, and blue team is the zombies. Initial spawns control where the players will start,...
After about halfway into Vicious's TGIF lobby, we do a rock-climbing map, but we fail to realize that, so this happens: 5763526
Put image tags around the picture URL.
"...bag of crack between his butt cheeks...." lol