can i make stuff spawn/ dissapear after a capture?
what happened to the paradox forgers website. i used to be on that site all the time but when i started playing hw and quit forge for a year and...
how original will it be? because i'm constantly thinking about new puzzles and stuff but most part i think of already has been done once... i...
nice!!!!! i'd love to see it!!! i loved paratroxity in halo 3
Circles, by Kdrew however I adjusted it a bit so it would fit my intro better :)
so this was already possible in halo 3 but i do not know if it was there for reach.. anyway enjoy: Halo 4, ''Magic Walls'' Trick, Forge Tutorial!...
tell me when the improved version is up so i can try again ok?
I'm uploading a video rigth now, when it's done i'll post the video here, since it's easyer to watch than for me to explain with my bad english....
solid explenation! way better than mine!
It is! and I going to wonder how you are going to fx the potential bugs i found because some of them are really hard to fix!!!
i almost got to the end of B but im pretty sure i broke every single puzzle u made :) ill upload a video tomorrow :)
looks really good!! its good to see that someone else finally made a decent puzzle map on halo 4!! I will dl it tomorrow and se if i can beat it!!!
thanks, yes its what i thought as well, maybe we can make more if we have different objects where specific parts dont dissapear
oh sorry,I made a video of it now so people can understand!
yo guys, whats up? i have a new very nice effec for you guys is basically enables u to create a nice electic effect on ur maps, just do the...
NICE!!!! when will this be coming out?
you better tell me when because ill be up for all ur testing XD
thanks, you!! and what about you are you still making puzzle maps? I remember most of your puzzle maps! like the one with invasion and the golf...
looks very interesting, and if you'd look at the picture ignoring the text above you'll actually think this is a race map XD
looks, very nice, very clean forged as well!! please don't put a mantis in !!!that will ruin it