doing hmwk cause its after contest time
Is sunday possible>??
Hey let us know when you can play so i can schedule homework time around it, i have a lot to do this week. But if saturday is good, im ok with...
When can you guys 2v2
looks good ......... DL for sure edit* Ok so i was able to play it and it was a lot of fun, good feedback from everyone that played in my game...
I think that is one of the reasons they did away with black, and sage (i dont think its there anymore, if it is dont get mad because my spartan...
if it is sweet I will be able to get rid of my longest map
It could be how Bungie makes the maps. and that section he was standing in was just part of it. Thats how i saw it. A full designer would be...
Its probably the first time they have heard a girl talk other then their moms, and they get nervous.
I used to have a version of beaver creek... the glass on top of the bases was replaced with pallets, so you had to break those in order to get in...
AWESOME, I saw this before and didnt bother then i was looking around for it and it was then featured. How did you manage to get out of...
i cant wait to see it
My maps just come to me whenever. Ill be sitting in class and say to myself..."you know what would be cool", or my friends and i are just...
Yeah I saw this a few weeks ago on google, I was surprised. I wanted to download this to see if it can compare with AutoCAD or CATIA, since i use...
Im going to remake zanzibar, but make it better... I think i will call it...... Last Resort
this is Complex : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I have a pretty good remake of complex from the n64 version. I took someone elses and made it better. WEll i just added a few things and got rid...
I like maps that look cool, i.e the one with the train, but mostly i like maps that play differently every time you play it. Levels like...
OK, I dont think any of these are realistic other than the spectre, but it is not in single player and it would make no sense to add it, thats...
Ill see if i can, Im probably going to play tennis because i never get a chance to anymore. Unless it is raining of course. It will be 7pm where...