Definately Foundry. I love foundry even when it is in default setup. Rat's nest and Standoff are fun but on Standoff especially playing CTF most...
I was always a fan of satire and comical jokes about politicians. When I was trying to think of a unique gamertag I thought Satire....ical since...
Yea I picked fireninja as well because I think it sounds the coolest :P
sorry about the late reply but yes it took me a good 4-5 hours in construction and not to mention an extra hour to navigate round the attrocious...
Wow that is a great idea! I really like the idea of the parachute effect but wouldn't it be slightly unfair for the attacking team as they can be...
The pictures don't do much justice as they don't give a good overall view but it looks like a good map and seems like you spent time and effort...
Incredibly nice well made map! would help if the pictures were all of a same size but i'm just being picky. I like the multi level approach and...
yes please put pictures and descriptions here I wan't to know what I might be downloading and the way you are presenting it is putting me off.
It looks awesome and simple yet very effective. Good idea and I'm definately downloading this.