Anyone find a good Prisoner or Boarding Action remake yet?
I used to come here a while back also. Looking at my profile I only had 60 or so posts. This place can be a little intimidating for the hobby...
The lifts get you from the bottom of the base to the top of the base, however, there are also long railings in the wall which can be jumped onto...
The church looks great...what pieces did you use to make the roof...the alter is excellent...I fell asleep looking at it because it reminded me of...
This map has a main building in the middle and two bases--Red & Blue--the bases look like barns because I used two double windows and left them...
Both teams start off in the own bases across from each other on the lowest level of the map. The spawn area for each team is protected by one way...
Downloaded it and did a walk through, played a quick game of custom slayer on it last night while waiting for some friends to join to go on and...
The whole reason that Forge 2.0 is so much better than Forge 1.0 is because of this community and other sites like it. Bungie saw what people did...
I definitely agree with these two items. Triangles would be especially useful.
Awesome. I am in the idea forming phases of my fourth map. Part of it involves a building with multiple floors. Having an up elevator and a down...
Beautiful Aethetics...sent you a FR and a message letting you know I'm from here. Will be on Sunday night at 10pmEST if you want to test it out.
How many coliseum walls did you use in this map? Queued for download. Might give it a try Sunday night...I'll be on 10pm EST if you want to shoot...
Forge world is better/less time consuming in terms of designing and putting together maps more easily. It is harder/more time consumer in terms of...
I haven't rated too many maps because I haven't had much of a chance to look at them and really give them a play in customs. I've been too busy...
Be Careful with safe zones, they are meant to set the limits of your entire map. I thought it was a zone in which anyone who was in it couldn't be...
Default is set to have Elites attacking.
I had a lot of problems with my spawns until I read someone's post here that really helped. 1. Go to obejectives 2. choose hill marker 3. change...
Downloading it and will check it out tonight. Am very interested to see your spawns and how you have them set and I'm having major difficulties...
I agree on the second route of suggestion would be an upper walkway which is accessible by grav lift....if you do a walkway lower...
Very seeing the community come up with tricks like this.