I love the map and the natural geometry really brings it together but the base where you spawned in the beginning was rather bland. Good work any...
Screw BTB and TS im playing HALO: REACH HOME EDITION. Anyway beautiful map and the clock is amazing.
This looks like a very fun race and I like the way you use the structures and natural in your race.
The ceiling is not a good addition but kill zones would work just as well.
The one thing I can say is don't use prefab structures... But the map is nice overall
I like the vertical lay out but I have to agree with the guy above me its very cramped...
You did an amazing job on the tower but the bases are rather bland and lacking... rebuild them from scratch with a forerunnerish feeling to it....
Well eventually after enough "Clashes" both players will die. So then no one advances...
Ummm... Well in a map like this you should move the map to aesthetics and remove the buildings.
Oops my bad! I don't know what I meant but probably the tower 3 stories. Good luck...
The only problem I see with this is that sword lunge is broken in reach... Otherwise good map.
After looking through the map at different angles I see that the windows are actually pretty sazzy! I must say though the middle is far too open :(
Okay but I was also referring to the tower talls. Most people look for a great amount of effort put into a map and would prefer a smaller map with...
I am really liking the way you used the natural topography but the window coliseums are out of place
Nice! I don't see enough of these maps and the drift course is really nice! A definite Dl
I liked this map in halo 3 and I like how you did this one. The "cold, gray" forge blocks go well with the original. Good job.
Still I like the map and even though the tin cups may not be original I like how they bring color to the map. It is a good map but the lines of...
This is a VERY original idea! The aesthetics are great and it looks like a fun map! A definite DL.
Nice! The only thing I don't like is the use of coliseum walls... Other than that the red base seems unbalanced. But good foundation.
One thing i really dontlike about your forge style is all the prefab buildings. go back and make buildings instead.