well any game on this map is fun. its just especially fun when you got a snipez in your hand.
yeah, for some reason only 2/3 of the people that download the map, download the gametype. der-de der!
lol not to mention the taped glasses and inhaler
nobody knows. but he's done it on all of cub's maps
it was kinda meant as a joke... ..well.. i thought it was funny.
hmm..... i tend to focus on great battle maps rather than gardens
the flower? looks... cool, i guess. rather pointless and definitely too pointless to take the time to make it 10 secs left in an intense CTF...
the attackers get a custom powerup that lowers gravity and increases their shields and health. It was pretty unfair before ostro 7 added the...
theres not really room for much in the middle anyway. the only reason to go into the center is to get the shotgun All of ostro's maps are great...
this map is far better than The Pipes anyway sadly, the gametype is even called Pipes. this could get confusing
I played Shotty Snipes on this map and was probably one of the funnest games of halo ive played in a long time GUILDER, GUILDER, GUILDER!
Thanks JagerBombfor the positive feedback! What exactly do you like about the map?
This map seems like it would play like garbage and would be highly un-fun. but I think you could make a good map if you had a better idea -and...
Thanks! Yeah I was taking the wrong link from imageshack. I was taking the thumbnail link insted of hotlink I hope The new pics convince more...
Yes, I'm trying to work on the screenshots If you can tell me why they are small and say the dimesions under them and how to fix them I would...
Turbine Created by Ostro 7 with help from Napster9801 [br] Supported Gametypes: This map supports all gametypes, but it is recommended you play...