The idea is pretty cool, but i think the map itself is really empty. Try adding some scenery to the open areas on the bottom of the map. You can...
Wombat, please do not bump your own thread. If you have something new, either add it to the first post or edit your most recent thread. The rules...
Thanks Kapura, I was trying to make an urban map that was similar AND introduced new ideas to spice-up the gameplay. It's good to hear that...
As said before, the overviews really help people get to know your layout before they play it. They are a nice addition, plus they are really well...
Re: Machu Picchu Yeah, this map was pretty awesome when we helped you test it out. It looks like you finnaly got the flags to start working! :P...
Thanks for the support everyone! Thanks to you guys I just passed 1000 downloads!
Too add on to previous comments, I think some extra scenery would help a lot. Looks pretty empty and bland right now.
As said before, there are already a few quality D-day maps. Most of them are on Last Resort, but your High Ground map looks good.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map Looks pretty cool man. How much ammo does the sniper have? It looks like the sniper might have too much of an...
O god he's very open about his little hobby
Fro future reference with your pics, don't take the pics through the eyes of the monitior. Looks more professional without all the extra HUD marks.
You have some quality pics, but a little more description would help. Just an idea, it may help you get more downloads because people notice when...
Looks pretty straightforward man. As said before, this is a quality first post! Nice job and keep the maps comin.
Picceta: I'm pretty sure that is a complement. Thanks? :P Perfectdarkl33t Thanks. Spread the love! Wanna play CTF or somtin sometime? Iv0rY...
I love catwalk maps. I'll this out for ya.
The pics are a little big. Kinda of annoying to scroll so much
Thanks for the review LIGHTSOUT! Here is a quick response to your thoughts and suggestions. I agree with what you said about the ramp being a...
LIGHTSOUT225: Haha, no problem Light. I'll only forgive you if it is the best review EVER...or else. :P
Looks sweet Bandit. I'll download and then return if I like it enough. ;P
Looks pretty sweet man. You may want to put the teleporter pic more towards the end. I almost left without leaving a comment because I thought...