yeah the front screen SUCKS BAWLS
eyy Shady's back, back again. and by shady i mean me. oh and whats up with this retarded new screen? it sucks so badly it makes the original look...
Even though i discovered about half of these in all our playthroughs, (>_<) this is perfect and talks about all the challenges we've faced so far....
hey havent been on in forver sorry, but you said you should be back on today so maybe we can hook up soon and do some puzzles. anyways, that...
Yes... i highly recommend making this an aesthetic only map... i don't possibly see how this could host a balanced game of slayer..
What map are you talking about specifically? I can't remember any maps from the second one with horseshoe- like maps. Rhen Var Harbor from SWB1...
Si. Definitely need to speed up vehicle spawning time, and probably add a shield door infront of the vehicles.. because as it is, it's not very...
1. A Reactor. 2. A Control Room for whatever the scientific facility is scientifically testing.
The funny thing is, im eating nathan's hotdogs and fries now. how ironic.
It looks cool, reminds me of the simple halo 3 "halo" maps that were so popular. You do know you can have more than 8 mongeese right? Set 16 or...
the lolfactor is a close tie between the first two. I think it's leaning towards the 2nd.
Lol................. Lol.
hey check out cubeskewed 2: skewed harder and download it, we're doing it. I bet i can still beat you in it. ohiseeitsurbday?...
Iitttsss sooooo fuunnnn even though haven't ever gotten to the bridge the many times i've played -.-. Love this campaign, and i hope you continue...
i love this campaign. and this map. and the burning building. and the always hectic journey maps in this campaign. you sir, are an infection God...
wait.. armadillo isn't spelled with two l's? O_O so welcome to forgehub! we have an english-only section if you want to check that out, and i've...
Im sorry. Master Chief's already taken that position. Niiice. Well for starters we have, like mentioned, TGIFS every other friday. 'Tis really...
nvm cant do it anyways
Do us three still only know our secret map and how it works? Lets try to work on that bad boy. We need to release an aesthetically fun map soon,...
Its a nice map, nice aesthetics, and a nice idea. However, for me it does tend to get stale as most maps do for me. Especially when you get...