pictures added! check the spoilers, 15 pics and a video. the latest videos on that channel are ancient though so don't judge my voice and editing...
Hello Forge Hub, my name is LZ Ravanger, and I host halo reach gameshows. But what is a halo reach gameshow? Its a gameshow, like survivor, ninja...
YES! Excellent idea. Please do that. I'm using this map for a gameshow (credit is given to map makers) and that would be more competitive IMO....
ok, well if u want to audition add me on skype, LZRavanger
looks more like a mongoose to me (the driver) nice job, i say muscle next
u just need a computer mic. u only need xbl to be a body actor.
Audition for Joseph, cuz Rob has a part, I'll update who is taken.
i added u on skype, I'll audition you when you get on.
3 New Roles Added All 8 still need voice actors
If you want to voice act for me, just read the original post and do the lines I asked for in there. You can send them through a PM or I will give...
Ok, I know my most memorable Broseidon I was on Paradiso with a moron random. I hid on the rocks on the cave side, the ones you can get...
nope, trying my first now, but I've been working on it with a group.
Welcome, this is my board for Assassin, a Machinima I hope to develop soon. Currently I am writing the Prologue and once thats done I will need...