Great map I downloaded this map not long after it was posted here and loved it, but it did have lag issues so I rebuilt it from the ground up, it...
Well good to have you back, yea it freaked me out lol, good to have you back, hope you're going to get back to forging, I used to play a LOT of...
Yea i had that in my Reach sized version see pic 3, but it didnt...
Lights and FX, you either love them or hate them lol, so i just leave it up to people who download to add what they want in that department, its...
Warlock Classic By dt192 Download Original scale, gametype setup, spawns & spawn system, weapon set/placement/spawn times I have also...
Yea they are lower but in Halo 2 the lift pushes you forward, you cant turn the corner while in the air, so the fact that those stop you from...
Great map, plays just like the original, great attention to detail, well worth the months youve put into it :-)
Hey Insanity hope your good :-D erm no they need to stay to make gameplay more accurate, in the original there were stuctures above each base,...
Yea its a bit dead on here these days sadly :-(, but i think when Anniversary comes out things should liven up a bit :-D you should add me on xbox...
Hey Lannders, thanks for the comment, check my Foundation Classic where you will find everything as per the original :-)
I am chilled out thanks, he wasn't giving useful feedback about my map he was being an angry teenager raging about the design of Foundation, maybe...
Thanks Exile, I think you guys are slightly looking at this the wrong way, as i dont like the original weapon set on Foundation i wanted to make a...
oh ok so how did they make Zealot MLG? hmm they changed some weapons and tagged MLG on the name lol, just chill out I made it as a fun warm up...
MLG Foundation By dt192 2 Teams or FFA, Identical bases, Cut down and very tweaked for best performance, Zealot weapon set, gametypes changed, no...
Halo 2 Foundation remake, exact original size, not scaled up or down for reach like my previous version (Foundation 1x1), spawns, weapons, ammo...
Silv3r Sk3eter is planning to do midship and he makes really well forged accurate maps, so it should be a good one to keep an eye out for, there...
ok ok ok i'll try my best to get it finished and out this week but i warn you now ive got a really short attention span, i doubt i'll even finish...
Hey KingBoris I am on your xBox friends list you know lol you could have just asked me, erm well.....yes and no its basicly finished but i lost...
there is plenty of incorrect common knowledge in the world, common knowledge basicly equals myth but yea i assumed that was what you were basing...
how did you test that?