I'll enter the two-base category with my new map in a few weeks probably. Good stuff! Could do with some microsoft points to buy the next map pack...
I've posted another version of the map in the competitive map section. The weapons might be more to your liking.
Thanks a lot. That would be great if you could get me some films! Cheers. It should be pretty neat. I spent so long making it that i'm sick of...
Thanks a lot for all the great responses so far. I don't have the time to go through them all but cheers anyway! Just updated the OP for v7. Enjoy!
Hyped Hyped [Link updated 10/10/08] Hyped FFA [Link updated 10/10/08] [Hyped FFA has entirely different spawns and a different weapon set]...
Thanks for all your comments and support guys. It was just confirmed by KONSPIRACY that the map will be used at XL 5 this summer. XL is Europe's...
Hey man, thanks a lot for the Hype write-up. Good stuff.
Thanks for some more great comments guys! I will be updating with latest version for MLG FFA and Team games soon. There should be a more casual...
Lol. Nice one. Seems some people can't grasp sarcasm...
I went into forge a while ago with the idea of building a map of this style, messed around with ideas and basically ended up with a design for the...
This is the best map ever. It's so great that noobs won't understand why it's so great. I am the best Forger ever. ;) j/k i honestly have no...
Sounds cool. I would definitely recommend taking ideas or even whole areas from maps on other games. I made a map a while ago which was basically...
Well if you play a lot of MLG, then there is no question about just how vastly different this map is to the rest of the symmetrical, arena MLG...
Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm! It's really appreciated after i spent so long building it :) You're in the wrong forum. This is the competitive...
I was tempted to do a lot of stuff like that but at the end of the day, i built it for highly competitive play and i didn't think that those sorts...
[XL] Hype v7 Hype (2-8 players - MLG variants) XL Hype v7 [Link updated 10/10/08] Hype v7 [Link updated 10/10/08] Description New...
Thanks. I’d like to know what you think of this one. I know you tend to make your maps a little more on the original/creative side but I hope...
Nope, it really isn't. I don't think anyone who has played the map has said that this weapon is overpowered on Inertia. There are a bunch of...
I don't have time to make a long post but thanks a lot for all the nice comments! I thought i'd just let you know that i've added a whole bunch...